Warning Signs of Possible Eye Problems
Many vision problems have no warning signs or symptoms and can cause permanent vision loss; or the problem may worsen without proper treatment. Annual eye exams are the best way to ensure a lifetime of good vision.
Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Adults
- Blurred vision beyond twenty feet
- Difficulty reading and seeing small print in dim light
- Reduced vision at night especially while driving
- Frequent changes in your eyeglass prescription
- Glare from sun or bright lights
- Seeing halos around lights
- Areas of lost vision or reduced clarity within your field of vision
- Changes in the colors you see
- Seeing flashes of light
- Seeing spots
- Pain in or around your eyes
- Redness of eyes
- Dry, irritated or tired eyes
- Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Multiple Sclerosis
- Swollen, red or sore eyelids
Warning Signs of Vision Problems in Children
- Blurred vision beyond twenty feet but clear up close
- Blurred vision at all distances
- Under performing in reading skills
- Squinting, closing or covering one eye
- Holding reading materials close to the face
- Tilting the head to one side
- Excessively rubbing eyes
- Eyes do not align properly. One eye turns inward or outward while the other eye looks straight.
- Redness or tearing or secretions from one or both eyes
- Premature birth
- Developmental delays
- Family history of high optical prescriptions
- Diabetes
- Swollen, red or sore eyelids
Remember that a vision screening only detects a few abnormalities. Have your child's eyes examined by an eye doctor!